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India Human Development Survey - Wave Three

NICHD-R01 - Dr. Sonalde Desai

Faculty Associate Sonalde Desai has been awarded an NICHD-R01 grant for the India Human Development Survey – Wave Three. The India Human Development Survey III will locate and re-interview households that previously participated in Waves 1 and 2 of the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) conducted in 2004-2005 and 2011-2012. The expected Wave 3 will sample more than 41,000 households comprising over 200,000 individuals across India. As a country, India has experienced dramatic changes: decline in poverty rates, increase in access to education, and institution of social programs. However, India is still being buffeted by infectious diseases and is facing the growth of non-communicable diseases. This third round, slated to be carried out in 2018-2019, will study the ways in which health and household behavior in India respond to changes.

As research, the IHDS survey represents a public resource in global health. When combined with Wave 3, the IHDS survey will constitute the most comprehensive source for examining how vast economic and political transformations have shaped health outcomes and behaviors and trigger new research on the evolution of health.

Visit the IHDS website
