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Research Index

Shows all research entries in reverse order of their creation date
Title Description Tags State
The relationship between familial deaths and one's own mortality among Black Americans Familial loss increases midlife mortality risk among Black Americans Mortality, Faculty impact, Health in Social Context, Black women, Social and Economic Inequality, Research, Black Males, Gender, Family, and Social Change, Fami... external
The impact of education on fertility in the U.S. over five decades Philip Cohen examines the educational gradient in completed fertility Fertility, Gender, Family, and Social Change, Research, Faculty impact, Education external
Untapped human capital in sub-Saharan Africa Kennth Leonard investigates knowledge-practice gaps; emphasizes importance of indigenous solutions Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Social and Economic Inequality external
Grandmothers' support and its effect on mental health among young mothers in Nairobi Madhavan and colleagues examine grandmothers' employment and living status impact on support to daughters and grandchildren Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Gender, Family, and Social Change external
Examination of pregnancy related deaths in Georgia Mokhtari and colleages examine Georgia's high maternal mortality rate, disparities, and data needs Faculty impact, Research, Maternal mortality, Gender, Family, and Social Change external
The impact of mental health treatment on women's alcohol use Faculty Associate Kerry Green and colleagues find mental health treatment is linked to reduced alcohol use disorders in women Research, Alcohol Use, Faculty impact, Health in Social Context, Women's Health external
Examining the effects of maternal smoking on offspring depression Maternal smoking quantity seen as vital factor Research, Depression, Shenassa, Gender, Family, and Social Change, Smoking, Faculty impact, Depressive symptoms, Health in Social Context external
The impact of private high schools on adult earnings in Chile Private high school attendance in Chile boosts adult earnings significantly Faculty impact, Research, Social and Economic Inequality external
Temporal trends in mental health disparities among sexual minorities Research shows persistent mental health disparities among sexual minority populations Research, Fish, Gender, Family, and Social Change, Mental Health, Faculty impact, Social and Economic Inequality, Health in Social Context, Sexual Minorities external
Examining open-ended survey responses between web and face-to-face Web-based and face-to-face surveys yield similar open-ended response quality Faculty impact, Research, Data and Methods, Social and Economic Inequality external
Improving mental health for older adults Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) could reduce health disparities Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Gender, Family, and Social Change external
Educational and economic gains from expanding computer science courses in Maryland Maryland study shows that computer science courses boost degrees and early career earnings Faculty impact, Research, Liu, Jing, Social and Economic Inequality external
The built environment and traffic collisions in the United States Quynh Nguyen and Thu Nguyen examine how built environment features affect U.S. traffic collisions Environment, Research, Social and Economic Inequality, Faculty impact, Nguyen, Thu, Nguyen, Quynh, Health in Social Context external
Medication and procedural abortions before 13 weeks gestation and risk of psychiatric disorders Faculty Associate Julia Steinberg and colleaguse set out to test risks associated with having a medication or procedural abortion prior to 13 weeks of pregnancy... Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Gender, Family, and Social Change external
Dyadic patterns in childbirth intention Monica Caudillo, with MPRC affiliate colleagues, uses National Survey of Family Growth Data for Population Research and Policy Review article Faculty impact, Research, Gender, Family, and Social Change external
Wildfires and Child Health Faculty Associate Michel Boudreaux leads an R01 to measure impact of increasing particulant pollution on child health Research, Climate change, Gender, Family, and Social Change, Faculty impact, Health in Social Context external
Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Social and Economic Inequality external
State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors New paper by Faculty Associate Kerry Green examines structural racism impacts among a national probability sample of Black Americans Faculty impact, Research, Health in Social Context, Social and Economic Inequality external
Victimization and minority stress in first-gen Latinx immigrant adolescents Getrich, Fish, Fryer, and Boekeloo team up to examine risk and protective factors for suicidality Faculty impact, Migration and Immigrant Processes, Research, Digest external
"Rosie" learns Spanish: The AI-powered chatbox bridging disparities in maternal and infant health Nguyen and Aparicio receive $200k from NIH to expand access to healthcare information Faculty impact, Research, Gender, Family, and Social Change external