Change in Elderly Living Arrangements in Rural South Africa, 2000-2010
Dr. Madhavan is looking at changes in the living arrangements of older persons aged 50+ over a 10-year period (2000-2010) in a rural, Black community in Northeastern South Africa - a setting that has experienced an increase in the number of deaths attributable to AIDS and where the proportion of pension-eligible persons in the population has also increased during a 10 year period. Using longitudinal demographic surveillance data on approximately 14,000 households from the Agincourt sub-district in Mpumalanga province, Madhavan and other researchers will 1) examine the distribution of household types in which older persons reside at three time points (2000, 205 and 2010); 2) calculate the probabilities of older persons experiencing transitions from one type of living arrangement to another over 5- and 10-year periods starting in 2000; and 3) analyze the relationship between AIDS related mortality and access to pension and change in the living arrangements of older persons.