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Gender, Family, and Social Change Signature Theme
Social and Economic Inequality Signature Theme
Health in Social Context Signature Theme
Migration and Immigrant Processes
Selected Research
Using IHDS Data to Explore Inequality in India
Intergenerational Parenting and Health
How Does Parental Stress Affect Child Outcomes?
Transitions to Fatherhood
Institutional Context: Schools and Child Development
Family Processes, Intergenerational Learning and Involved Fathering
Shifts in Racial / Ethnic and Gender Composition in the Military
Reconsidering Military Identity
American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X) and Conferences
India Human Development Survey Second Wave (IDHS-II)
Finding Work After War: The Role of Military Experience in Civilian Hiring
Vivian Hoffman studies women's sanitation impact in developing countries
Chen studying women's transition to later adulthood
Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Dissolution
Asian American Liver Cancer Education Program in Maryland
The Effects of Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees on the Use of Preventative Care
Penalties for Paid and Unpaid Care Work
Low-Income Fathers' Linguistic Influence on their Children's' Language Development
Grandparents caring for grandchildren in China
Social Trends and Social Change in the United States: Impacts on Army Manpower; Personnel and Operations
Race / Ethnic Differentials in the Health Implications of Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren,
Air Pollution, Subclinical CVD and Inflammatory Markers in the Search Cohort
Exploring the culture of despair
Job creation linked to company age, not size
Nurturing Dads: Social Initiatives for Contemporary Fatherhood
Teens, Technology, and Dating Violence
Dagher: Prevention of postpartum depression could yield health care cost savings
How Does the Amount of Time Mothers Spend with Children Matter?
Social Observatory Coordinating Network
Inequality and Teenage "Drop Out" Behaviors
Institutional Change and the Consequences of Military Service
Change in Elderly Living Arrangements in Rural South Africa, 2000-2010
Sustainable Community Oriented Stormwater Management: A Sensible Strategy for the Chesapeake Bay
Integrating Socio-Ecological Research and Collaborative Learning to Promote Marsh and Community Resilience
The Displaced New Orleans Residents Study
Multidimensional Pathways to Healthy Aging among Filipino Women
Time Use Data Access System
Overcoming the Obstacles and Capitalizing on the Incentives for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Environmental Justice Communities
Using propensity scores for causal inference with covariate measurement error
Families and Inequality
More Young Adults Are Financially Dependent on Parents Than 50 Years Ago
Race, Gender, and Obesity: How the Social Environment Constrains or Enables Physical Activity
Finding Economic Solutions for America
How Does Time Use Data Illuminate Important Social Patterns?
Affordable Care for All?
Race, Gender, and Educational Achievement
Developing Nations: "Our Pollution is Your Consumption"
Gneisha Dinwiddie Investigates Links Between Race, Lifelong Stress, and Cardiovascular Disease
Parenthood Decisions and the Ticking Biological Clock
Cabrera joins the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families
Mexico-US Migration during the Great Recession
How does interview methodology affect interviewer variance?
Measuring Kinship Support for Children of Single Mothers
The Healthy Generations Program: Improving Access to Mental Health Care
Understanding and Predicting Crime “Hot Spots”
Laurie DeRose: The World Family Map Project
Mind the Gap: Urban Youth Falling Through the Cracks of Public Health Policy
Problem Behaviors: Intergenerational Continuity or Resilience?
Dagher and Hofferth: Unplanned pregnancy is associated with quicker return to work after childbirth
Google searches for ‘n-word’ associated with black mortality
Ruth Zambrana to Study Latina Entrepreneurs
Report on Big Data in Survey Research
Kim and Falconier: Promoting healthy couple relationships
U.S. Women Veteran's Experiences of War
IPUMS - Time Use website launched
New Developments at the Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity
Bachrach works to establish new population health association
Effects of Depression on Contraceptive Behavior
Green working to enhace Woodlawn Cohort dataset
Payne-Sturges examines food insecurity among college students
Desai leads establishment of National Data Innovation Centre in New Delhi
Chen research identifies benefits of local mental health services
Hofferth, Sayer lead Time Use Data for Health and Well Being
MacDorman co-authors midwifery outcomes research
Roberts studies health of demographically diverse population
Sayer, Pepin research challenges single-mother time poverty
Boudreaux research examines eye-care labor market outcomes
Nguyen and colleagues to use Big Data to create health outcome models
Steinberg examines role of depression in unintended pregnancy
Early Home Experiences of Young Latino Boys
Time Use Across the Life Course: Family Inequality and Multigenerational Well-Being
Methodological Issues in Maternal Mortality Research
How combined exposure to environmental and social stressors affects child neurological development
India Human Development Survey - Wave Three
Abraham and Kearney examine secular decline in US employment over the past two decades
“Putting Band-Aids on Things That Need Stitches”
Cabrera on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Playfulness
SPH Study Explores Maternal Experience of IPV in Young Children in Tanzania
More Women Opting to Give Birth Outside of a Hospital
For Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa Addressing Transactional Sex May be Key to Reducing HIV Infections
Care Coordination on Minorities with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia
Opioid Use Disorder, mental illness lack treatment when co-occuring
Sexual minority youth less likely to exit foster care
Devon Payne-Sturges on air pollution and child health
Risk Factors for Infant Mortality in Maryland
Dynamism diminished: The role of housing markets and credit conditions
Climate change is not a simplistic comparison of apartheid but entails global cooperation to deal with it
The Impact of Work Requirements on Program Participation and Labor Supply
Public Health Researchers Win Data Contract to Study LGBTQ Health Disparities
Boudreaux examines men's life expectancy in cities
Advanced School Progression Relative to Age and Early Family Formation in Mexico
Empirical evidence on the unintended consequences of the one-child policy in terms of child trafficking in China
Trends in stratification of pre-marital childbirth
Reproductive readiness predicts a woman’s non-use of contraception in the postpartum months in U.S.
Standard measures of Unemployment make U.S. labor market looks a bit too tight
Exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex in Central Uganda
Using New Policy Parameter to Study Early Childhood Intervention for Low Birth-weight Infants
NSF RAPID Study on the 2020 Coronavirus Social Impacts
Promoting Economic Recovery After COVID-19
Investigating Determinants of Educational Attainment and Achievement in Mexico
Work mobility during COVID
Engaging Women in the Market for Mobile Money
Improving Educational Equity and Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
Global Trends of Mask Usage in 19 Million Adults
'Accountable Care' hospitals may assist rural Alzheimer's population
Desai co-authors brief on health insurance inequities in India
Business Formation: A Tale of Two Recessions
Using Big Data to measure discrimination impacts on birth outcomes
Examining and Addressing COVID-19 Racial Disparities in Detroit
High Frequency Business Dynamics During COVID-19
Gender, Transport, and Employment in Mumbai
Care Coordination for African American and Hispanic Adults with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Kinship, Nuptiality and Child Health Outcomes in a Low Income Urban Area - JAMAA na AFYA ya MTOTO (JAMO)
Another brick on the wall: On the effects of non-contributory pensions on material and subjective well being
Pandemic sees new business formation surge
Maryland Environmental Justice Map and Screening Tool
Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality
Confronting Racism in Environmental Health Sciences
Beyond the (family) binary: Family environment heterogeneity among transgender adults
Stigma as a deterrent to PrEP usage among Black sexual minority men
Profiles of caregiver racial-ethnic socialization found to promote academic engagement in Black and Latinx youth
Hard times in economic data collection call for innovative data sourcing
The importance of parental engagement in learning activities for socioemotional development in low-income Black and Latinx youth
13 million Facebook users weigh in on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, vaccination, and mask wearing
Environmental Systems and Occupational Health Policy Analyses to Interrupt the Impact of Structural Racism
Can incentivized peer-to-peer health communication promote preventative health behaviors?
Work in the time of COVID-19: social norms and pluralistic ignorance
Broader approaches are necessary for formulating evidence-based climate policies
Emotional well-being in South African migrants
Expectations for male provision and women's sexual health risks in sub-Saharan Africa
Local violence accelerates cohabiting union transitions among disadvantaged women
Built environment features mediate the relationship between neighborhoods' racial and ethnic composition and health outcomes
The opioid epidemic's effects on families
A cross-national investigation of women's empowerment
Expanding racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity in Economics
School-based health centers reduce income-based health disparities
Population neuroscience: Challenges and recommendations for researchers
Inequities in childrens' exposure to neurotoxicants
Asian Americans & Racism: Individual and Structural Experiences (ARISE)
"Rosie" learns Spanish: The AI-powered chatbox bridging disparities in maternal and infant health
Victimization and minority stress in first-gen Latinx immigrant adolescents
State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors
Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Wildfires and Child Health
Dyadic patterns in childbirth intention
Medication and procedural abortions before 13 weeks gestation and risk of psychiatric disorders
The built environment and traffic collisions in the United States
Educational and economic gains from expanding computer science courses in Maryland
Improving mental health for older adults
Examining open-ended survey responses between web and face-to-face
Temporal trends in mental health disparities among sexual minorities
The impact of private high schools on adult earnings in Chile
Examining the effects of maternal smoking on offspring depression
The impact of mental health treatment on women's alcohol use
Examination of pregnancy related deaths in Georgia
Grandmothers' support and its effect on mental health among young mothers in Nairobi
Untapped human capital in sub-Saharan Africa
The impact of education on fertility in the U.S. over five decades
The relationship between familial deaths and one's own mortality among Black Americans
Working Papers
Research Data Center Information
University of Maryland Research Policy