Early Home Experiences of Young Latino Boys
The National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families published a brief based on the research done by Faculty Associate Natasha Cabrera and Student Research Affiliate Catherine Kuhns. Based on previous findings, Latino children, in general, lag behind their white counterparts on several indicators such as academic achievement and educational attainment. The brief compares early home environments of Latino boys to two peer groups, White boys and Latina girls, using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth cohort (ECLS-B). Their findings suggest different early developmental outcomes between Latino and White boys. At 24 months, Latino boys demonstrate less advanced skills than their White peers. However, the biggest difference relies on family resources. Latino boys and girls tend to live in low-income households near poverty with parents who have lower levels of education. These findings are relevant to policies and interventions aimed to improve Latino parents’ practices and interactions with their children to support early cognitive and social development.