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Bachrach works to establish new population health association

Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAHPS) now open for membership

Faculty Associate Christine Bachrach has been working with colleagues during the past two years to establish IAHPS with a view of stimulating interdisciplinary research among health population scientists.

The association intends to provide a small, broadly interdisciplinary, group focused exclusively on population health science and its application to improving health, filling a unique niche with a fully interdisciplinary, cells-to-society understanding of health.

"After two years in planning and the contributions of many donors and volunteers, IAPHS is now a membership organization and is welcoming both individual and institutional members," Dr. Bachrach wrote to colleagues in early October 2016. Because it is a young organization just getting off the ground "it offers opportunities for networking, leadership, and professional development that may be less accessible within larger organizations," she wrote.

Some benefits of membership include :

  • conferences that gather a wide range of scholars from public health, social and behavioral sciences, medicine, and other areas such as health policy, urban planning, communication, social work, and education;
  • mentoring opportunities and resources that help scientists develop skills in interdisciplinary science, communication, and translation;
  • networking for job and training opportunities.

Dr. Bachrach is a founding Director and current Managing Director of IAPHS. The association plans to hold its first leadership elections in January 2017.

Visit the IAHPS website
