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Institutional Change and the Consequences of Military Service

In a Collaborative Research project funded by the National Science Foundation, Meredith Kleykamp looks at outcomes in marriage, education, employment and earnings among veterans and non-veterans over the last 40 years.

Dr. Kleykamp's project focuses on whether and how major institutional shifts have altered the relationship between military service and a variety of outcomes, including marriage, employment, education, and earnings. It utilizes an enhanced form of the Current Population Survey data with key measures harmonized over time, and with longitudinally linked observations on unique individuals. The team addresses two specific aims. First, to evaluate whether the relative marital and socioeconomic outcomes of veterans and non-veterans have changed over the last four decades, and whether veterans and non-veterans experience different and changing levels of stability in the outcomes.  Second, to evaluate whether the relative positions of veterans have varied over the last four decades by specific military experiences with a particular focus on combat experience. Throughout, the focus is on at least four different outcomes: marriage, education, employment, and earnings.
