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WP Documents
Women’s employment and first birth in Europe
Angela Greulich, Sciences Po, Paris; Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; 2021-005
More Choices for Men ? Marriage Patterns after World War II in Italy
Erich Battistin,
University of
Sascha O. Becker,
Monash University;
Luca Nunziata,
University of Padua &
IZA; 2020-002
Profiles of Mothering and Effects on Children’s Immunization in West Africa
Sangeetha Madhavan, Michael Wagner, University of Maryland; 2021-001
Gender Asymmetry in the Role of Racial / ethnic Exogamy in U.S. Couples’ Fertility
Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation, Michael S. Rendall and Joey Brown, University of Maryland; 2021-002
Time Use of Youth during a Pandemic: Evidence from Mexico
Cynthia Boruchowicz, University of Maryland; Susan W. Parker, University of Maryland / CIDE; Lindsay Robbins, University of Maryland; 2021-003
Estimation, Simulation, and Validation of a Two-sex Model of Intergenerational Reproduction of Education
Michael S Rendall, Heide Jackson, University of Maryland; Shuchi Goyal, Mark S Hancock, University of California Los Angeles; Margaret M Weden, RAND Corporation; Polina Zvavitch, University of Maryland; 2021-004
Men’s Employment and Women’s Sleep in South Africa
Seung Wan Kim and Sangeetha Madhavan, University of Maryland; 2021-006
Profiles of Mothering and Effects on Children’s Immunization in West Africa
Sangeetha Madhavan and Michael Wagner, University of Maryland; 2021-001
Gender Asymmetry in the Role of Racial / ethnic Exogamy in U.S. Couples’ Fertility
Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corp.; Michael S. Rendall and Joey Brown, University of Maryland; 2021-002
Time Use of Youth during a Pandemic: Evidence from Mexico
Cynthia Boruchowicz, University of Maryland; Susan W. Parker, University of Maryland / CIDE; Lindsay Robbins, University of Maryland; 2021-003
Estimation, Simulation, and Validation of a Two-sex Model of Intergenerational Reproduction of Education
Michael S Rendall, Heide Jackson, Polina Zvavitch, University of Maryland; Shuchi Goyal, Mark S Handcock, University of California Los Angeles; Margaret M Weden, RAND Corporation; 2021-004
Women’s employment and first birth in Europe
Angela Greulich, Sciences Po, Paris; Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; 2021-005
More Choices for Men? Marriage Patterns after World War II in Italy
Erich Battistin, University of Maryland; Sascha O. Becker, Monash University; Luca Nunziata, University of Padua & IZA; 2020-002
Are Educationally Hypogamous Marriages More Likely to End in Divorce in the United States? New Estimates from 1996-2017 Data
Polina Zvavitch and Michael S Rendall, University of Maryland; 2021-007
Addressing Abortion Underreporting in Surveys with the List Experiment: Lifetime and Five-Year Abortion Incidence with Multivariate Estimation of Socio-demographic and Health Associations in two U.S. States
Heide M Jackson, Michael S Rendall, University of Maryland - 2022-001
Rethinking marriage metabolism: The declining frequency of marital events in the United States
Philip N. Cohen, University of Maryland - 2022-002
Gender, Family, and Social Change Signature Theme
Social and Economic Inequality Signature Theme
Health in Social Context Signature Theme
Migration and Immigrant Processes
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