The Organization of Preventive Health Services in Sri Lanka: Lessons for developing countries
Monica Das Gupta, University of Maryland / World Bank; KCS Dalpatadu, Institute for Health Policy, Colombo; CK Shanmugarajah, Ministry of Health, Government of Sri Lanka; HMSSD Herath, Sri Lanka Medical Council; 2014-006
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When and Where Does Achievement Inequality Grow? Ecology, the City and Social Disorganization
Odis Johnson Jr., University of Maryland; 2014-007
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Multiple imputation for demographic hazard models with left-censored predictor variables
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Angela Greulich, Université Paris 1; 2014-011
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Assessing the Predictive Value of Fertility Expectations through a Cognitive-Social Model
Christine A. Bachrach, University of Maryland; Heather M. Rackin, Louisiana State University; 2014-013
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Equalizers or Enablers of Inequality? A Counterfactual Analysis of Racial and Residential Tet-Score Gaps in Year-Round and Nine-Month Schools
Odis Johnson Jr and Michael Wagner, University of Maryland; 2014-015
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Expressive Cool and the Paradox of Black and White Males’ Neighborhood Socialization toward Education
Odis Johnson Jr., University of Maryland; 2013-004
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Race-Gender Inequality across Residential and School Contexts: What can Federal Policy Do?
Odis Johnson Jr., University of Maryland; 2013-005
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Racial-Ethnic Differences in Children’s Activity Patterns: Class, Capital and Cultural Explanations
Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland; U.J. Moon, Lyndonville State College // Keywords: extracurricular activities, ethnic minorities, socioeconomic status, social capital, culture, children; 2013-006
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The Reverse Matthew Effect: Catastrophe and Consequence in Scientific Teams
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-009
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Inspection Technology, Detection and Compliance: Evidence from Florida Restaurant Inspections
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland, and Jungmin Lee, Sogang University; 2013-010
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