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Call for Applications - Workshop on 1965-2014 American and European Time Use Surveys

Call for Applications

June 29-July 1, 2016
University of Maryland

Workshop Plans

Time is arguably the most valuable resource available to the human population. How individuals allocate their time influences multiple outcomes and, therefore, is an important focus for social research. Applications are solicited for a three-day workshop that will introduce researchers to the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), the American Heritage Time Use Survey (AHTUS), the Multinational Time Use Survey (MTUS), and the Time Use Data Extract Builder for accessing all three data series. The ATUS is a general-purpose time-diary survey sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that has been conducted annually since 2003. The AHTUS is a database of American time-diary samples collected over six decades harmonized for comparability across time. The MTUS is a database of time-diary samples collected over time from a set of European nations and archived at the Centre for Time Use Research, Oxford University. The Time Use Data Extract Builder, developed by the Maryland Population Research Center and the Minnesota Population Center with principal funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, is a new tool designed to make it easy for researchers to create time use variables and extract customized data files that are ready for analysis. Additional information about the survey and the data extract builder may be found and

Workshop Details

The Time Use Workshop will be held on the University of Maryland campus June 29 through July 1, 2016. The workshop is designed for researchers and junior faculty who are new to the analysis of time use data. The three days will include presentations from BLS staff members, the research team that developed the ATUS-X, members of the team who create the harmonized AHTUS and MTUS databases, and other experienced time use researchers; lab sessions that will provide hands-on experience with the time use extract builders; and small-group sessions at which participants will have the chance to discuss their own time use research ideas with others who have similar interests.


Applicants are asked to submit a one-paragraph professional biographical sketch, a one-page statement regarding their time use research interest areas, and a letter of support from an advisor or senior colleague.

For best consideration applications should be submitted by February 26, 2016; those completing their application by this date will be notified by March 11, 2016 whether they have been selected to participate. Domestic airfare, local transportation costs and hotel accommodations for the time use workshop will be covered for all workshop participants.

Applications for the workshop are closed.


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