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Call for Papers : Time Use Across the Life Course

Updated 4 December 2015

June 27-28, 2016
Inn and Conference Center
University of Maryland


Submission Deadline extended to February 15, 2016

Time is arguably the most valuable resource available to the human population. It is therefore important to understand why individuals allocate their time in the way they do and the consequences of those time use decisions. This conference will give members of the growing U.S. time use research community the opportunity to interact with one another and share ideas. Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for papers that address any question related to the collection or analysis of time use data. The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is February 15, 2016 (extended from Feb. 1). Authors chosen to present papers will be notified by March 15, 2016.

To the extent that funding permits, travel stipends to offset travel and hotel costs will be offered to paper and poster presenters.

Possible Paper Topics

Papers on any topic related to how individuals use their time are welcome. Some examples:

  • gender and SES differences in time use over the life course
  • intergenerational time transfers over the life course
  • division of household labor among retired couples
  • implications of work time for caregiving
  • policy & environmental influences on time use
  • time use and health and well-being
  • methods of collecting time use data
  • methodological issues in analyzing time use data

Submissions making use of data from the ATUS or American Heritage Time Use Data are particularly encouraged.

Proposals for this event are no longer being accepted.

Organizing Committee

Liana Sayer, University of Maryland
Katherine Abraham, University of Maryland
Kimberly Fisher, Centre for Time Use Research, Oxford University
Sarah Flood, University of Minnesota
Karen Hamrick, Economic Research Service, USDA
Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland and MPRC
Rachel Krantz-Kent
, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Rashawn Ray, University of Maryland
Mary Zaki, University of Maryland

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