Klaus Hubacek Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 86 references in this bibliography folder.
Feng, K, Hubacek, K, Guan, D, Contestabile, M, and Barrett, J
Distributional Effects of Climate Change Taxation: The Case of the UK
Environmental Science & Technology, 44(10):3670-3676.
Guan, D and Hubacek, K
China can offer domestic emission cap-and-trade in post 2012.
Environmental Science & Technology, , 44(14):5327.
Holden, J, Reed, M, Hubacek, K, Worrall, F, Beharry-Borg, N, Burt, T, Chapman, P, Dougill, A, Fraser, E, Irvine, B, Jin, N, Kirby, M, Prell, C, Quinn, C, Ermansen, M, and Buckmaster, S
Sustainable Uplands for Sustainable Lowlands
In: Yorkshire's Green and Healthy Land? Connecting Urban and Rural Greenspace, ed. by M. Aterden, A. Bloomer, and V. Wallace, PLACE, York, UK.
Peters, G, Guan, D, Hubacek, K, Minx, J, and Weber, C
Effects of China’s Economic Growth.
Science, 328:824-825.
Prell, C, Hubacek, K, Reed, M, and Racin, L
The Role of Formal and Informal Structures in Shaping Land Management View: Social Networks Versus Organizational Affiliations
Ecology & Society, 15(4):34.
Quinn, C, Fraser, E, Hubacek, K, and Reed, M
Property Rights in UK Uplands and the Implications for Policy and Management
Ecological Economics, 69(6):1355-1363.
Tukker, A, Cohen, M, Hubacek, K, and Mont, O
Sustainable Consumption
Industrial Ecology, 14(1).
Tukker, A, Cohen, M, Hubacek, K, and Mont, O
Impacts of Household Consumption and Options for Change
Industrial Ecology, 14:13-30.
Tukker, A, Maurie, J, Hubacek, K, and Mont, O
Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Industrial Ecology, 14(1):1-3.
Yu, Y, Hubacek, K, Guan, D, and Feng, K
Assessing Regional Water Footprints for the UK
Ecological Economics, 69(5):1140-1147.
Barua, A and Hubacek, K
An empirical analysis of Environmental Kuznets curve for water pollution in India.
. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues., 9(1/2):50-68.
Bonn, A, Hubacek, K, Allott, T, and Stuart, J
Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands
Routledge, New York.
Bonn, A, Hubacek, K, Allott, T, and Stuart, J
Drivers of Change in Uplands Environments: Concepts and Threats
In: Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands, ed. by A. Bonn, K. Hubacek, T.E. Allott, and J. Stuart, Routledge, New York.
Bonn, A, Hubacek, K, Allott, T, and Stuart, J
Managing Change in the Uplands: Challenges and Visions for the Future
In: Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands, ed. by A. Bonn, K. Hubacek, T.E. Allott, and J. Stuart, Routledge, New York.
Chapman, D, Termansen, M, Jin, N, Quinn, C, Cornell, S, Fraser, E, Hubacek, K, Kunin, K, and Reed, M
Modeling the coupled dynamics of moorland management and vegetation in the UK uplands.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2):278-288.
Dietzenbacher, E, Giljum, S, Hubacek, K, and Suh, S
Physical Input-Ouput Analysis and Disposals to Nature
In: Handbook of Input-Output Economics for Industrial Ecology, Springer.
Feng, K, Hubacek, K, and Guan, D
Lifestyles, Technology and CO2 emissions in China: a Regional Comparative Analysis.
Ecological Economics, 69(1):145-154.
Giljum, S and Hubacek, K
Physical Input-Output Analysis and Material Flow Analysis
In: Handbook of Input-Output Economics for Industrial Ecology, Springer.
Guan, D, Peters, P, Weber, C, and Hubacek, K
Journey to world top emitter – an analysis of the driving forces of China’s recent CO2 emissions surge.
Geophysical Research Letters, 36:04709.
Hubacek, K and Reed, M
Lessons Learned from Participatory Planning and Management in the Peak District National Park, England
In: Adaptive Environmental Management: A Practical Guide, ed. by C. Allen and G. Stankey, pp. 189-202, Springer, New York.
Hubacek, K, Beharry, N, Bonn, A, Burt, T, Holden, J, Ravera, F, Reed, M, Stringer, L, and Tarrason, D
Ecosystem Services in Dynamic and Contested Landscapes: The Case of UK Uplands
In: What is Land for? The Food, Fuel and Climate Change Debate, ed. by M. Winter and M. Lobley, pp. 167-188, Earthscan, London.
Hubacek, K, Dehnen-Schmutz, K, Qasim, M, and Termansen, M
Description of the Upland Economy: Areas of Oustanding Beauty and Marginal Economic Performance
In: Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands, ed. by A. Bonn, K. Hubacek, T.E. Allott, and J. Stuart, Routledge, New York.
Hubacek, K, Guan, D, Barrett, J, and Weidmann, T
Environmental implications of urbanization and lifestyle change in China: Ecological and Water Footprints.
Journal for Cleaner Production. , 17(14):1241-1248.
Kerschner, C and Hubacek, K
Assessing the suitability of input‐output analysis for enhancing our understanding of potential effects of peak oil.
Energy, 34(3):284-290.
Minx, J, Ackerman, F, Baiocchi, G, Barrett, J, Briggs, J, Dawkins, E, Guan, D, Hubacek, K, Lenzen, M, Owen, A, Paul, A, Peters, G, Scott, K, Suh, S, Wiedmann, T, and Wood, R
Input‐Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An overview of applications.
Economic System Researc, 21(3):187-216.
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