Klaus Hubacek Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 86 references in this bibliography folder.
Fu, X, Meng, B, Hubacek, K, and Feng, K
Research on Industry Actual Potential for Carbon Emission Reduction based on Optimal Input-Output model
20th International Input-Output Association Conference in Bratislava.
Hubacek, K, Feng, K, and Chen, B
Changing lifestyles towards a low carbon economy: an IPAT analysis for China
Energies, 5(1):22-31.
Krueger, T, Page, T, Hubacek, K, and Hiscock, K
The role of expert opinion in environmental modeling
Environmental Modelling & Software, 36:4-18.
Li, X, Hubacek, K, and Siu, Y
Wind Power in China – Dream or Reality?
Energy, 37:51-60.
Li, X, Siu, Y, Feng, K, and Hubacek, K
Energy-Water nexus of wind power in China: The balancing act between CO2 emissions and water consumption
Energy Policy, 45:440–448.
Crona, B, Ernstson, H, Prell, C, Reed, M, Hubacek, K, and Newig, J
Network-Related Approaches and Theories in Resource Management
In: Social Networks and Natural Resource Management: Uncovering the Social Fabric of Environmental Governance, ed. by C Prell and O Bodin, Cambridge University Press.
Feng, K, Chapagain, A, Suh, S, Pfister, S, and Hubacek, K
Comparison of bottom-up and top-down approaches to calculating the water footprints of nations
Economic Systems Research, 23(4):1-15.
Feng, K, Hubacek, K, Ling Siu, Y, Chapagain, A, Yu, Y, Minx, J, Guan, D, and Barrett, J
Spatially Explicit Analysis of Water Footprints in the UK
Water, 3:47-63.
Feng, K, Hubacek, K, Siu, Y, and Guan, D
Assessing Regional Virtual Water Flows and Water Footprints in the Yellow River Basin, China
Applied Geography, 32(2):691-701.
Guan, D and Hubacek, K
Is the concept of a green economy a useful way of framing policy discussions and policymaking to promote sustainable development?
Natural Resources Forum, 35:70.
Hubacek, K
Knowledge management for land degradation monitoring and assessment: an analysis of contemporary thinking
Land Degradation & Development.
Hubacek, K and et al
Vulnerability to Climate Change in Dry-Land Livelihood Systems – Conceptual Challenges & Interdisciplinary Solutions
Ecology & Society, 16(3):3.
Hubacek, K and Guan, D
The net effect of green lifestyles
Nature Climate Change, 1:250-251.
Kagawa, S, Nansai, K, Hubacek, K, Suh, S, Minx, J, Kudoh, Y, Kondo, Y, Tasaki, T, and Nakamura, S
Does Product Lifetime Extension Mitigate Climate Change?
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(4):1184-1191.
Kagawa, S, Nansai, K, Kondo, Y, Hubacek, K, Suh, S, Minx, J, Kudoh, Y, Tasaki, T, and Nakamura, S
The Role of Motor Vehicle Lifetime Extension in Climate Change Policy
Environmental Science and Technology, 45(4):1184-1191.
Minx, J, Baiocchi, G, Peters, G, Weber, C, Guan, D, and Hubacek, K
Carbonizing Dragon: China’s fast growing CO2 emissions revisited
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(21):9144-9153.
Prell, C, Reed, M, and Hubacek, K
Social Network Analysis for Stakeholder Selection
In: Social Networks and Natural Resource Management: Uncovering the Social Fabric of Environmental Governance, ed. by C. Prell and O. Bodin, Cambridge University Press.
Qasim, M, Hubacek, K, Termansen, M, and Khan, A
Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use pattern in district Swat, Hindu Kush Himalayan region of Pakistan
Applied Geography, 31(2):820-828.
Ravera, F, Hubacek, K, Reed, R, and Tarrasón, D
Learning from Experiences in Adaptive Action Research: a Critical Comparison of two Case Studies Applying Participatory Scenario Development and Modelling Approaches
Environmental Policy and Governance, 21:433-453.
Reed, M and Hubacek, K
Uplands in the balance
RICS Land Journal:16-20.
Thapa, S and Hubacek, K
Drivers of Illegal Resource Extraction: An Analysis of Bardia National Park, Negap
Journal of Environmental Management, 92:156-164.
Whitfield, Reed, Thomson, Christie, Stringer, Quinn, Anderson, Moxey, and Hubacek
Managing Peatland Ecosystem Services: Current UK policy and future challenges in a changing world
Scottish Geographical Journal:1-22.
Baiocchi, G, Minx, J, and Hubacek, K
The Impact of Social Factors and Consumer Behavior on CO2 Emissions in the UK: A Panel Regression Based on Input-Output and Geo-Demographic Consumer Segmentation Data
Industrial Ecology, 14:50-72.
Crona, B and Hubacek, B
Social Network Analysis in Natural Resource Governance
Ecology & Society.
Crona, B and Hubacek, K
The Right Connections: How Do Social Networks Lubricate the Machinery of Natural Resource Governance?
Ecology & Society, 15(4):18.
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