Seed Grants 2009-10
- Exploring the Nexus of Exposure to Violence, Psychological Stressors and Criminal Justice Involvement among Victims of Violent Injuries in Baltimore City
- Joseph Richardson, African American Studies
- Improving Quality of Life in Chinese and Korean Breast Cancer Patients or Survivors: Pilot Study
- Sunmin Lee, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Life Course Perspectives on Bio-Social Risk: Understanding Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease
- Gniesha Y. Dinwiddie, African American Studies Department
- Clean Water, Health and the Market Mechanism: How Effective is the Market at Allocating Health Goods?
- Raymond Guiteras, Economics
- Reducing HIV Stigma: Measuring the Effectiveness of Various Interventions
- Vivian Hoffmann, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- The Role of Fathers in the Transition to Adulthood for Young Men in Urban South Africa
- Sangeetha Madhavan, African American Studies Department
- Consequences of Childhood and Adolescent Time Use for Health: Incorporating Race, Gender and SES Status Processes and School Context for an R01 resubmission
- Melissa Milke, Sociology
- The Effects of a Natural Disaster on Health Care Utilization: An Evaluation of the Hurricane Katrina “TexKat” Medicaid Waivers
- Karoline Mortensen, Health Services Administration