Seed Grants 2011-12
- Gateway Testing: Can HIV Testing Rates Be Increased Through a Tuberculosis Awareness Campaign?
- Vivian Hoffman explores new ways to increase HIV testing in Durban, South Africa
- Geographical distance between young adults and their parents: Predictors and consequences for adult children's mental health and deviant outcomes
- Faculty Associates David Maimon and Terence Thornberry, Criminology and Criminal Justice, plan to geocode and analyze Rochester Youth Development Study data to expand understanding of parental proximity effects.
- Income inequality and adolescent 'drop out' behaviors
- Melissa Kearney, Economics, plans to expand research into the relationship between income inequality and birth decisions by low-income women
- Teens, technology, dating relationships, and dating violence
- Faculty Associate Donna Howard, Behavioral and Community Health, is working on a mixed-method study of dating behaviors and electronic communication