Sandra Hofferth Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 105 references in this bibliography folder.
Hofferth, S
Secondary Data Analysis in Family Research
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 67(4):891-907.
Hofferth, S
Book Review of Stepdads: Stories of Love, Hope and Repair by William Marsiglio
Miscellaneous publication.
Hofferth, S and Curtain, S
Poverty, Food Programs and Childhood Obesity
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24:703-726.
Hofferth, S and Curtain, S
Leisure Time Activities in Middle Childhood
In: What Do Children Need to Flourish? Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development, ed. by L Lippman and K Moore, Springer.
Hofferth, S, Stanhope, S, and Harris, KM
Remaining Off Welfare in the 1990s: The Influence of Public Policy and Economic Conditions
Social Science Research:426-453.
Sandburg, JF and Hofferth, S
Changes in Children's Time with Parents: A Correction
Demography, 42:391-395.
Duncan, GJ, Hofferth, SL, and Stafford, FP
Evolution and Change in Family Income, Wealth, and Health: The Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 1968-2000 and Beyond
In: A Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond, pp. 156-193, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
Hofferth, S
Persistence and Change in the Food Security of Families with Children, 1997-1999
Economic Research Institute, USDA, Monograph(EFAN04001).
Brandon, P and Hofferth, S
Determinants of Out-of-School Child Care Arrangements Among Children in Single-Mother and Two-Parent Families
Social Science Research, 32(1):129-147.
Dunn, JS, Kinney, DA, and Hofferth, SL
Parental Ideologies and Children`s After-School Activities
American Behavioral Scientist, 46(10):1359-1386.
Hofferth, S
What happens during the school day?: Time diaries from a national sample of elementary school teachers
Teachers College Record, 105(3):317-343.
Hofferth, S
Race/Ethnic Differences in Father Involvement in Two-Parent Families: Culture, Context, or Economy
Journal of Family Issues, 24(2):185-216.
Hofferth, S
The American Family: Changes and Challenges for the 21st Century
In: Health and Welfare for Families in the 21st Century, pp. 71-79, Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury, MA.
Hofferth, S and Anderson, KG
Are All Dads Equal? Biology Versus Marriage as a Basis for Paternal Investment in Children
Journal of Marriage and Family, 65(1):213-232.
Hofferth, S
Did Welfare Reform Work? Implications for 2002 and Beyond
Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds, 1(1):45-51.
Hofferth, S and Curtin, SC
The Impact of Parental Leave Statutes on Maternal Return to Work after Childbirth in the United States
Hofferth, S and Reid, L
Early Childbearing and Children's Achievement and Behavior over Time
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(1):41-49.
Hofferth, S, Pleck, J, Stueve, JL, Binachi, S, and Sayer, L
The Demography of Fathers: What Fathers Do
In: Handbook of Father Involvement, ed. by C Tamis-LeMonde and N Cabrera, pp. 63-90, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.
Hofferth, S, Stanhope, S, and Harris, KM
Exiting Welfare in the 1990s: Did Public Policy Influence Recipients` Behavior?
Population Research and Policy Review, 21(5):433-472.
Hofferth, S
Women`s Employment and Care of Children in the United States
In: Women's Employment in Comparative Perspective, ed. by L van Dijk, T van der Lippe, and A de Gruyter, pp. 151-174, Aldine de Gruyter.
Hofferth, S and Jankuniene, Z
Life After School
Educational Leadership, 58(7):19-23.
Hofferth, S and Owens, T
Children at the Millennium: Where Have We Come From, Where Are We Going?
Elsevier Science, New York, NY, vol. 6. Advances in Life Course Research.
Hofferth, S and Sandburg, JF
How American Children Spend Their Time
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63(2):295-308.
Hofferth, S and Sandburg, JF
Changes in American Children`s Use of Time, 1981-1997
In: Children at the Millennium: Where Have We Come From, Where Are We Going?, ed. by T Owens and S Hofferth, pp. 193-229, Elsevier Science, New York, NY. Advances in Life Course Research.
Hofferth, S, Phillips, D, and Cabrera, N
Public Policy and Family and Child Well-Being
In: The Well-Being of Children and Families: Research and Data Needs, ed. by A Thornton, pp. 384-415, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI.
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