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Sandra Hofferth Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 105 references in this bibliography folder.

Hofferth, S, Bickham, D, Brooks-Gunn, J, and et al. (2018).
Contributions of Research Based on the PSID Child Development Supplement
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 680:97-131.

Entwisle, B, Hofferth, S, and Moran, EF (2017).
Quilting a Time-Place Mosaic: Concluding Remarks
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 669 - Forthcoming.

Hofferth, SL, Moran, EF, and et al (2017).
Introduction: History and Motivation
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 669 - forthcoming.

Hofferth, SL and Moon, UJ (2016).
How do they do it ? The immigrant paradox in the transition to adulthood
Social Science Research, 57:177-194.

Lee, Y, Hofferth, S, Flood, S, and Fisher, K (2016).
Reliability, Validity, and Variability of the Subjective Well-being Questions in the 2010 Well-being Module of the American Time Use Survey
Social Indicators Research, 126(3):1355-1373.

Moon, UJ and Hofferth, SL (2016).
Parental involvement, child effort, and the development of immigrant boys' and girls' reading and mathematics skills: A latent difference score growth model
Learning and Individual Differences, 47:136-144.

Munger, A, Hofferth, S, and Grutzmacher, S (2016).
The Role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in the Relationship between Food Insecurity and Probability of Maternal Depression
Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 11(2):147-161.

Conley, D, Aber, L, Brady, H, Cutter, S, Eckel, C, Entwisle, B, Hamilton, D, Hofferth, S, Hubacek, K, Moran, E, and Scholz, J (2015).
Big data, big obstacles
Miscellaneous publication, The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Hofferth, S and Lee, Y (2015).
Family Structure and Trends in U.S. Fathers’ Time with Children, 2003-2013
Family Science, 6(1):318-329.

Hofferth, S, Fisher, K, and Glorieux, I (2015).
Men's Family Involvement across Industrial Nations: Introduction to special section
Family Science, 6(1):240-242.

Moon, UJ and Hofferth, SL (2015).
Generational differences in children's externalizing behavior problems
International Journal of Human Ecology, 16(2):45-61.

Cabrera, N, Hofferth, S, and Hancock, G (2014).
Family Structure, Maternal Employment and Change in Children's Externalizing Behavior: Differences by Age and Self-regulation
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11:136-158.

Dagher, R, Hofferth, S, and Lee, Y (2014).
Maternal Depression, Pregnancy Intention, and Return to Paid Work after Childbirth
Women's Health Issues, 24(3):297-303.

Davis, R, Hofferth, S, and Shenassa, E (2014).
Substantive and theoretical considerations in examining the association between gestational weight gain and infant mortality
Am J Public Health, 104(9):e2.

Davis, R, Hofferth, S, and Shenassa, E (2014).
Gestational weight gain and risk of infant death in the United States
American Journal of Public Health, 104(Suppl 1):S90-S95.

Goldscheider, F, Hofferth, S, and Curtin, S (2014).
Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Population Research and Policy Review, 33:771-796.

Hofferth, S and Zeno, T (2014).
How do Children affect the Health and Well-being of Fathers?
Special Issue of Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research and Practice about Men as Fathers, 12(2):117-177.

Moran, E, Hofferth, S, Hubacek, K, and et al (2014).
Opinion: Building a 21st-century infrastructure for the social sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(45):15855-11856.

Hofferth, S, Pleck, J, Goldscheider, F, Curtin, S, and Hrapczynski, K (2013).
Family structure and men’s motivation for parenthood in the United States
In: Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Cabrera, N.J. & Tamis-Lemona, C.S, New York: Routledge, Second Edition ed.

Davis, RR and Hofferth, SL (2012).
The Association Between Inadequate Gestational Weight Gain and Infant Mortality Among U.S. Infants Born in 2002
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 16:119-124.

Hofferth, S and Moon, UJ (2012).
Cell Phone Use and Child and Adolescent Reading Proficiency
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1(2):108-122.

Hofferth, S and Moon, UJ (2012).
Electronic Play, Study, Communication, and Adolescent Achievement, 2003 to 2008.
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(2):215-224.

Hofferth, S, Pleck, J, and Vesely, C (2012).
The Transmission of Parenting from Fathers to Sons.
Parenting: Science and Practice, 12(4):282-305.

Cabrera, NJ, Hofferth, SL, and Chae, S (2011).
Patterns and predictors of father-infant engagement across race/ethnic groups.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26:365-375.

Forry, N and Hofferth, SL (2011).
Maintaining work: The influence of child care subsidies on child care-related work disruptions
Journal of Family Issues, 32(3):346-368.

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