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Joseph Richardson elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Decades of rigorous science on gun violence earn Richardson this highly esteemed honor
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Katharine Abraham named to CBO panel of economic advisors
Congressional Budget Office panel provided specialized expertise
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Sergio Urzua named Chilean Economist of the Year for 2022
Contributions to policy discussions in Chile recognized
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Jennifer Roberts named to EPA's CHPAC committee
Children's Health and Protection Advisory Committee appointment runs through 2026
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Susan Parker discusses the implementation of successful policies that reduced poverty in Oaxaca, Mexico
The MPRC Associate Director was invited to share her expertise in the evaluation of public policies with the Wilson Center's Mexico Institute
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Abraham comments on student loan forgiveness
Opinion piece in Politico explores alternatives to a blanket loan forgiveness program
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Katharine Abraham named to National Academy of Sciences
"Seminal contributions to our understanding of key issues in labor economics, economic measurement, macroeconomics, and survey methodology" cited
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Sonalde Desai appointed to National Academy Committee on Population
Prestigious appointment follows years of research
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Sacoby Wilson aids Maryland Senate environmental bill
Bill would require diverse representation on the committee
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Hongjie Liu appointed to Montgomery County COVID Advisory Board
Will continue work on models for tracking and responding to the pandemic
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