Might the gender revolution strengthen the family?
Andrew Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University; Fran Goldscheider, MPRC
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Coming Up
Cohen comments on the age of first-time mothers
Age at first birth linked with varying opportunities and education level
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Sonalde Desai appointed to National Academy Committee on Population
Prestigious appointment follows years of research
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Keera Allendorf, Indiana University Bloomington
Parents’ Valuation of Approving a Child’s Spouse in a Context of Marital Change
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Coming Up
Deciphering Trends in American Volunteering
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; David Horton Smith, Boston College; 2012-007
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Tiger Mothers and Child Achievement: Do Activity Patterns explain the Achievement of Children of Immigrants?
Sandra Hofferth and U.J. Moon, University of Maryland; 2012-009
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Is banning sex-selection the best approach for reducing prenatal discrimination ?
Monica Das Gupta, University of Maryland // Keywords: Son preference, abortion bans, gender, policy measures, China, India; 2017-003
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Working Papers
WP Documents
"Missing Girls" in the South Caucasus Countries: Trends, Possible Causes, and Policy Options
Monica Das Gupta, University of Maryland // Keywords: Gender, Poverty, Economic Shocks, Social Protection, Governance, Health, Population; JEL codes: D13, H31, H55, J13, J16, P31; 2017-004
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Assessing the Impact of Local Violence on Teenage Fertility: The Case of Mexico
Mónica Caudillo, Maryland Population Research Center // Key words: Adolescents, Crime, Violence, Demography, Fertility; 2017-006
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Working Papers
WP Documents
The Role of Fathers in the Transition to Adulthood for Young Men in Urban South Africa
Sangeetha Madhavan, African American Studies Department
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded