JinHee Kim Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 33 references in this bibliography folder.
Lown, J, Kim, J, and Gutter, M
(Under Review).
The role of self-efficacy in savings behavior
Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Chang, Y, Chatterjee, S, and Kim, J
(In Press).
Financial strain and food security
Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Chang, Y, Chatterjee, S, and Kim, J
Financial strain, economic condition, and food stamp participation
Journal of Policy Practice.
Kim, J and Kim, H
Financial Socialization and Family Process of Adolescents
Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Ryu, S and Kim, J
Gender Differences in Contribution to Domestic work Associated with Outsourcing in Korea
Consumer Interests Annual, 65.
Kim, J, Chatterjee, S, Young, J, and Moon, U
The cost of access: Racial disparities in student loan burdens of young adults
College Student Journal, 51(1):99-114.
Kim, J, Kim, J, and Moon, U
Does race matter for the bank account ownership of young people?
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 27(2):212-230.
Chang, Y, Chatterjee, S, and Kim, J
Household finance and food insecurity
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 35(4):499-515.
Kim, J and Chatterjee, S
Childhood financial socialization and young adults financial management
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 24(1):61-79.
Kim, J, Williams, A, and Braun, B
Understanding health insurance literacy: A literature review
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 42(1).
Cho, S, Gutter, M, Kim, J, and Mauldin, T
Effect of socialization of financial management behavior
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal.
Gutter, M, Hayhoe, C, DeVaney, S, Kim, J, Bowen, C, Cheang, M, Cho, S, Evans, D, Gorham, E, Krishnan, P, Loibl, C, Lown, J, Mauldin, T, Solheim, C, Worth, S, and Dorman, R
Multidisciplinary model of savings behavior
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 41(1):86-101.
Hayhoe, C, Cho, S, Gorham, E, DeVaney, S, Worthy, S, and Kim, J
How Do Distrust and Anxiety Affect Saving Behavior?
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 41(1):69-85.
Kim, H, DeVaney, S, and Kim, J
Which low and moderate income families purchase life insurance?
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 40(3):295-312.
Kim, J and Chatterjee, S
Debt burden of young adults in the United States
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 23(2):55-67.
Kim, J, Chatterjee, S, and Cho, S
Asset ownerships of New Asian Immigrants in the United States
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 33:215-226.
Kim, J, Choi, S, Chatterjee, S, and Kim, H
The motivation for intergenerational time and financial transfers
Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 40(4):373-397.
Kim, J, Kim, H, and DeVaney, S
Intergenerational transfer in the immigrant family: Evidence from the New Immigrant Survey
Journal of Personal Finance, 11(1):78-112.
Cha, S, Kim, J, and Anderson, E
Chronic health condition, depression and the role of financial wellbeing: How Middle Age Group (45-64) and Older Adults (65-79) Differ?
International Journal of Human Ecology, 12(2):77-93.
Chatterjee, S and Kim, J
Asset ownership of recent immigrants: An examination of nativity and socioeconomic factors
Migration Letters, 8(2):141-152.
Chatterjee, S and Kim, J
Acculturation and asset ownership: An examination of recently lawful U.S. immigrants.
Migration Letters, 8(2):141-152.
Kim, J, LaTaillade, J, and Kim, H
Family process and adolescents’ financial behaviors.
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 32:668-379.
Xiao, J, Ford, M, and Kim, J
Consumer Financial Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Review of Selected Theories and Research
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 39(4).
Kim, H and Kim, J
Financially Distressed Consumers' Information Search for Retirement Plans
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 31(1):51-62.
Braun, B, Kim, J, and Anderson, E
Family Health and Financial Literacy - Forging the Connection
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 101(3):51-55.
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