New York Times Article quotes Kearney in discussion of child care and opening the economy
Child care key to economy re-opening
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Nolan Pope, UMD (Economics)
Divorce, Family Arrangement, and Children's Outcomes
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Coming Up
Nurturing Dads: Social Initiatives for Contemporary Fatherhood
Faculty Associate Kevin Roy co-authors book on public policy impacts on fatherhood
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Selected Research
Pablo Gracia, Trinity College
Children's and Adolescents' Daily Activities in Spain: Do Parental Work Schedules Matter?
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Coming Up
Panel Discussion: "China's One Child Policy: Success or Failure? Are we asking the right question?"
MPRC Special Symposium
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Coming Up
Panel Discussion: The Rise of Divorce in East Asia
Organized by Seung-kyung Kim, Director, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Maryland
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Coming Up
Panel Session : Comparative Perspectives on Family Complexity
Sangeetha Madhavan, Assistant Professor, Department of African American Studies; Natasha Cabrera, Associate Professor, Department of Human Development; Kevin M. Roy, Associate Professor, Department of Family Science
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Coming Up
Parental involvement, child effort, and the development of immigrant boys’ and girls’ reading and mathematics skills: A latent difference score growth model
U.J. Moon and Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland // Keywords: academic achievement, gender differences, immigrant children, parent involvement, longitudinal study; 2016-006
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland // Keywords: Nestleaving, parent-child relationships, parenthood, transition to adulthood; 2013-007
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Philip Cohen appears in radio panel discussion
Are women becoming the dominant gender?
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