Sonalde Desai: Malnutrition still a major problem for India's children
Despite government-funded food security programs, a large percentage of children are still underweight
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Sonalde Desai: Politics and India's New Young
Today's Indian youth are educated, conservative, and hungry for prosperity
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SPH Study Explores Maternal Experience of IPV in Young Children in Tanzania
Natalie Slopen and colleagues published a new study exploring the health implications of intimate partner violence on children
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Selected Research
Standard measures of Unemployment make U.S. labor market looks a bit too tight
Katharine Abraham and John Haltiwanger examine U.S. labor market tightness by addressing the limitations of the standard measures
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Selected Research
State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors
New paper by Faculty Associate Kerry Green examines structural racism impacts among a national probability sample of Black Americans
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Selected Research
Steinberg cited in Scientific American article
What costs are associated with being denied access to abortion ?
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Steinberg examines role of depression in unintended pregnancy
University of Maryland Tier One grant funds research
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Selected Research
Steinberg investigates mental health impacts of abortion
Beyond the question of access to abortion lie the mental health impacts in cases of restricted access
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Steinberg study contradicts long-standing 'link' between abortion and suicide
Equivalent risk before and after abortion
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Stigma as a deterrent to PrEP usage among Black sexual minority men
Journal article by Typhanye Dyer, Hongjie Liu, and others finds that stigma is associated with lower utilization of PrEP
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Selected Research