Newsletter, Fall 2009
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About the Center
Newsletter, Fall 2008
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About the Center
In Brief, Spring 2008
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About the Center
India Human Development Survey Second Wave (IDHS-II)
An NICHD grant valued at about $2.5 million over five years is funding the second wave of survey research for IHDS
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Selected Research
Finding Work After War: The Role of Military Experience in Civilian Hiring
Meredith Kleykamp explores job market outcomes for military veterans
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Selected Research
Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Dissolution
Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney explores marriage markets through an R03 with North Carolina State University
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Selected Research
Asian American Liver Cancer Education Program in Maryland
Faculty Associate Sunmin Lee is wrapping up a four-year grant evaluating the effectiveness of educational intervention on disease awareness
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Selected Research
The Effects of Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees on the Use of Preventative Care
Faculty Associate Karoline Mortensen to model effects of Affordable Care Act on Medicaid enrollees
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Selected Research
Penalties for Paid and Unpaid Care Work
Faculty Associate Joan Kahn studies children's health under grant from the Russell Sage Foundation
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Selected Research
Low-Income Fathers' Linguistic Influence on their Children's' Language Development
Faculty Associate Natasha Cabrera begins work on the effects of speech on children
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Selected Research