Acknowledging MPRC Support
Acknowledgement of Center support
The following text, or something similar, will insure that the Center is included in PubMed Central and other citations of your work.
"We gratefully acknowledge support from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Child Health and Human Development grant P2C-HD041041, Maryland Population Research Center."
If you are submitting to any of the following journals your work is unquestionably population relevant and you should feel free to add the statement above to the acknowledgements in your article.
Population Research General Journals
Demographic Research
European Journal of Population
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Population Research
Population and Development Review
Population Research and Policy Review
Population Studies
Population research field journals
BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health
International Migration Review
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Marriage and Family
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Studies in Family Planning
See Journal Monitoring page for current tables of contents for these journals.
For presentations
You can also include the MPRC logo or the Center PPT title slide in your presentation.