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Rashawn Ray comments on Philadelphia Blacks' Dilemma during Coronavirus Outbreak featured in InsideSources

African Americans in Philadephia suffer from both the pandemic and violent crimes

Gregory Clay, in an opinion piece on InsideSources, addresses the recent murder case in Philadelphia where seven people were killed in a three-day span, including a SWAT officer who was murdered while attempting to arrest a homicide suspect, adding to the suffering of a city already reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

Faculty Associate Rashawn Ray told Clay, “The murders are the symptoms, and we’re good at looking at symptoms; we aren’t good at looking at the causes. Such as lack of infrastructure, lack of economics, lack of education.” These African Americans living in poverty are not only hit by the deadly pandemic outbreak, but also high rate of violent crimes due to "a lack of business ownership, a lack of quality schools, a lack of home ownership," both voluntarily and involuntarily, Ray noted.

See the complete story at InsideSources