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Michel Boudreaux comments on housing aid helps reduce asthma among kids in poverty on Reuters

Low-income children may have fewer asthma emergencies when their families receive housing subsidies

Lisa Rapaport, a reporter for Reuters Health, recently published an article on how housing aid helps reduce asthma emergencies for kids living in poverty.

Michel Boudreaux, Assistant Professor at School of Public Health also a Faculty Associate here at MPRC, along with Andrew Fenelon and MPRC Faculty Associate Natalie Slopen, together found that "among kids who had asthma attacks, those whose families received federal government housing assistance were about 25% to 30% less likely to visit the emergency room than children from households on a waiting list for housing subsidies."

Boudreaux adds that, since family living in poverty often struggle to afford food and other basic necessities or to pay for checkups or medicines for children with chronic illnesses like asthma, “rent subsidies might free up a family’s budget to be spent on things that children need to be healthy.”

See the complete story at Reuters

See the complete study by Michel Boudreaux