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Cohen: The divorce fairness issue that the Bezos don’t have to worry about

CNN Op-Ed suggests taxes on super-rich and stronger social safety net could help ameliorate financial impact divorce has for many

Faculty Associate Philip Cohen, in an opinion piece for CNN, uses the Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos’s (net worth $135.6 billion) divorce to depict the reality that many individuals face after filing for divorce: leaving a marriage without crushing economic hardship and stress. According to data from the Current Population Survey, the poverty rate for divorced women living with at least one child in 2018 was 19%, more than twice the rate for divorced men living with one or more children. Such a finding suggests that, financially, divorce is much more difficult for women than for men. Cohen claims that “no one should be able to amass the wealth (The Bezos) jointly have . . . . [T]axes on the superrich are too low. . . . [H]igher taxes on the wealthiest - like the Bezoses - if applied to social programs that would benefit single parents or those who are financially strained, could make divorce much less stressful for many.”

See the complete CNN editorial