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Nolan Pope, UMD (Economics)

Divorce, Family Arrangement, and Children's Outcomes
When Nov 27, 2023
from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Where Hybrid - 1101 Morrill Hall and Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Seminar

Families are a fundamental and ubiquitous institution that raise children in their most formative years. The last century has seen a rise in divorce, such that 29 percent of children now experience a parental divorce before adulthood. We utilize U.S. tax and Census records to examine (1) how divorce shapes the arrangement of family life, and (2) how it affects children's outcomes. At the onset of divorce, children's geographical distance to one parent increases, household income falls, mothers' work hours increase, moving rates rise, and children move to poorer neighborhoods with lower rates of upward mobility. Using panel data on child outcomes, we find that children's teen births and mortality rise substantially at the time of divorce. We estimate the long-term effect of divorce on children's outcomes by comparing siblings with differing years of exposure to divorce in the same family. A parent divorce earlier in childhood reduces adult earnings and college attendance while increasing the likelihood of incarceration. About a fifth of the estimated effect of divorce is explained by changes in household income and neighborhood choice with the majority of the effect unexplained by these intermediaries.

About the Speaker

Nolan Pope

Nolan Pope is a labor economist and applied microeconomist who specializes in public policy that improves individuals’ labor market and educational outcomes. Nolan uses quasi-experiments, large administrative data sets, and field experiments to answer questions in education, public economics, and labor economics. His recent research focuses on how measuring and rating teacher quality affects both students and teachers, and how public policies influence underprivileged groups such as immigrants and low-income populations. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago, and a B.A. in Economics from Brigham Young University.

*Please note special time of 11:15-12:15 PM for the seminar.

Seminar Format

Location IN PERSON: 1101 Morrill Hall.  We are requesting advanced registration so that we can track capacity.  Please use this link to RSVP.

Location ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Zoom Registration Link. Upon registration, you will receive an automatically generated email with the direct link for the seminar

COVID-19 Information

MPRC public events for Fall 2023 will be a mix of in person and online via Zoom.  For in person events, all event attendees must follow current protocols

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