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Pamela Herd, Georgetown University

Reducing Administrative Burdens in Social Safety Net Programs Reduces Mortality
When Nov 06, 2023
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Hybrid - 1101 Morrill Hall and Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Seminar

Expanding social safety net programs can improve population health. However, many individuals eligible for these programs don’t enroll because of confusing and cumbersome administrative procedures. Indeed, reducing administrative burdens increases safety net enrollment, but can it also improve health? We examine the mortality impacts of reducing burdens – particularly learning costs associated with understanding eligibility and benefits –  for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. Using two-stage analyses of a large-scale randomized controlled trial, we show that people who received a letter reducing learning costs, and afterwards enrolled in SSI, live longer than those in the control group. This relatively inexpensive and low-touch effort to reduce burdens not only increased take-up in a poverty-based program, it actually extended people’s lives.

About the Speaker

Pam Herd_screen shot

Pamela Herd's, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, research focuses on inequality and how it intersects with health, aging, and policy. She is also an expert in survey research and biodemographic methods. She is currently one the Co-Principal Investigators for General Social Survey, an Investigator with the Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey, and Chair of the NIH Data Advisory Board for the National Study of Adolescent Health. She has received grant awards for her work from the National Institutes for Health, National Institutes on Aging, the National Science Foundation, and the Russell Sage Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and AARP.

Location IN PERSON: 1101 Morrill Hall.  We are requesting advanced registration so that we can track capacity.  Please use this link to RSVP.

Location ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Zoom Registration Link. Upon registration, you will receive an automatically generated email with the direct link for the seminar

COVID-19 Information

MPRC public events for Fall 2023 will be a mix of in person and online via Zoom.  For in person events, all event attendees must follow current protocols

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