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Large Scale Infrastructure for Social Data Science

Webinar - will be recorded
When Feb 09, 2021
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where Online
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The powerful information available in large social science data sets is critical to understanding and addressing many of our nation and world’s most pressing challenges: from Covid-19 to racial, social and economic injustice; and from climate change to deep and damaging political and cultural divides. To help address these challenges, the University of Maryland has launched a new Social Data Science Center (SoDa) designed to advance research, education, and applications of social data measurement and analysis. This center leverages UMD’s strengths in survey methods, measurement, information management, visualization, and analytics. Facebook is providing support for the center’s research and education programs over the next three years.

Panel discussions by leading experts from the SoDa Center, University of Maryland scholars, and industry leaders will cover research on big complex issues and the applications of social data measurement and analysis.

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