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Li Liu, Johns Hopkins University

Misclassification between stillbirths and neonatal deaths in low-income countries
When Dec 09, 2019
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Misclassification between stillbirths and neonatal deaths is a major threat to the validity of neonatal mortality rate and still birth rate estimates. The issue is particularly severe in low-income countries where civil registration and vital statistics system is either non-existing or incomplete. In this talk, I will start by discussing the significance of this topic. It’ll be followed by a few studies in Malawi, Tanzania and Guinea Bissau. In these studies, I will show the magnitude of this issue across settings and the consequences on neonatal mortality. I will also start to speculate on the causes of this issue. I will wrap up the talk by thoughts on additional research and practice agenda in this area. 

About the Speaker

Li Liu

Dr. Liu is a population health researcher dedicated to study and address the leading causes of child mortality. She has multidisciplinary background in medicine, maternal and child health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and demography. Her research focuses on applying interdisciplinary quantitative strategies to measure and estimate all-cause and cause-specific child mortality, to strengthen civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems to improve child mortality estimation, and to investigate biosocial etiologies of leading causes of child mortality and morbidity. Dr. Liu practices to disseminate evidence on reducing child mortality due to leading causes and advocate to improving child survival. She also teaches introductory and advanced quantitative population health and demographic methods. 

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