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Journal Club Meeting with Typhanye Dyer

Examining Psychosocial and Behavioral Correlates of STI and HIV Risk among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Men who have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW)
When Oct 03, 2018
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 2101C Morrill Hall, Bianchi Room
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About the Journal Club Meeting

Typhanye Dyer, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics will host a discussion based on her paper, "Differential Patterns of Risk and Vulnerability Suggest the Need for Novel Prevention Strategies for Black Bisexual Men in the HPTN 061 Study"

Please RVSP with either ( or ( ) if you can join us Wednesday, October 3rd.  For those who plan to attend, please read the paper in the link above to familiarize yourself with the paper to actively join the discussion.

Reminder: This event counts toward your participation requirement for MPRC affiliation.

About the Speaker

Typhanye Dyer

Dr. Dyer is assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Maryland College Park. She received her doctorate from The University of California Los Angeles and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in drug dependence and infectious didsease epidemiology from Johns Hopkins. She is an expert in research exploring social, cultural and structural determinants of infectious disease disparities. Specifically, her research explores HIV/AIDS disparities, sexuality, mental health, and substance use with an emphasis in racial/ethnic and gender disparities among marginalized populations, as well as their families. Her focus in HIV/AIDS also examines syndemics and HIV prevalence among Black men who have sex with men and women (MSMW), and how sex and drug risk networks of MSMW translates into risk for their male and female partners. Her work also explores intersections of cultural identity, racial identity, sexual identity and gender identity among Black gay/bisexual men. Collaborative research explores HIV-related stigma, engagement and retention in care and medication adherence among older Black women living with HIV in Prince George's County, Maryland. Additionally, areas of research involves the examination of risk for females with high risk male sex partners and partners who have been incarcerated, exploring social vulnerability including stigma and discrimination that drive risk. Population based research takes an interdisciplinary approach involving social epidemiology and community based research to reduce health disparities. She is an expert in working with African Americans. She is a member of the HIV Prevention Trials Network, as well as the DC Center for AIDS Research and The National Black Women’s HIV/AIDS Network. Dr. Dyer will  provide consultation regarding survey measures, intervention conception and development, and project implementation. Will participate in manuscript preparation.

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