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Connecting the Dots: Reproductive Health Research at UMD

MPRC Special Workshop
When Mar 16, 2018
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
Contact Name
Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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You are invited! Spread the word!

The Maryland Population Research Center is hosting a “meet your colleague” event for students and faculty interested in, or conducting, reproductive health research. The event will feature 5-minute presentations about the work you do (or are planning to do), followed by networking time in which you can meet and talk to colleagues with complementary interests.

Hosted by: Christine Bachrach and Sangeetha Madhavan

Note: Encouraged to RSVP by March 2 for planning purposes

The focus of the event, reproductive health, includes a broad range of topics including fertility, family planning, maternal mortality, contraceptive use, sexual behavior, HIV and STI prevention and treatment, and the role of biological, cognitive, behavioral, and social/cultural/policy influences in these outcomes.

Please help us make this a success by:

  • Letting know if you want to participate and giving her one sentence that describes your work/interests.
  • Encourage full collaboration of all faculty and graduate students, across disciplines, who are working in reproductive health.  Please help us in spreading the word to others who may not be on the center’s email list but have interests in this area.
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