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Alok Bhargava featured in Financial Times on Climate Change
Climate change is not a simplistic comparison of apartheid but entails global cooperation to deal with it
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American and international time use data now part of IPUMS
New resource integrates three survey websites for user-friendly data
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Amir Sapkota's research on future climate change risks
Climate change will raise mortality rate among kidney patients
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Another brick on the wall: On the effects of non-contributory pensions on material and subjective well being
Working paper by Faculty Associate Sebastian Galiani
Located in Research / Selected Research
Are Indian pharmaceutical companies deliberately selling inferior medicines in African markets?
Tougher regulatory measures needed in order to improve drug safety and quality
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Asian American Liver Cancer Education Program in Maryland
Faculty Associate Sunmin Lee is wrapping up a four-year grant evaluating the effectiveness of educational intervention on disease awareness
Located in Research / Selected Research
Asian Americans & Racism: Individual and Structural Experiences (ARISE)
Thu Nguyen to address the underrepresentation of Asian Americans in Alzheimer's and aging research through $3.4 million NIA grant
Located in Research / Selected Research
Assortative Mating and Autism Spectrum Disorder
New seed grant project headed by Judith Hellerstein investigates the causes of the rise in autism diagnoses
Located in Resources / / Seed Grant Program / Seed Grants Awarded
Atlantic article examines Cohen open letter
The dividing lines between generations are a figment of our collective imagination
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Bachrach works to establish new population health association
Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAHPS) now open for membership
Located in Research / Selected Research