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Amir Sapkota's research on future climate change risks

Climate change will raise mortality rate among kidney patients

An article on climate change from Health Day, picked up by UPI, draws findings from a research study by Maryland scholar Richard Remigio and Faculty Associate Amir Sapkota, indicating that the most vulnerable population facing the rising heat wave would be those with kidney diseases.

The study concludes that, faced with higher temperatures, lower blood pressure among kidney patients can explain the group's increasing mortality. "Patients with other health conditions - such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes - were also at increased risk on the hottest days," the study said.

Faculty Associate Amir Sapkota, co-author of the study, points out that climate change is clearly not just relevant for future scenarios but an urgent issue affecting our current community's health in various ways.

See the complete article at UPI