Using Big Data to measure discrimination impacts on birth outcomes
New National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities grant
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Minnesota Population Center and the Life Course Center at the University of MInnesota invites you to a seminar
Structural Racism, Police Violence, and Population Health Research
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Desai co-authors brief on health insurance inequities in India
Many Indians do not take advantage of their insurance coverage
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Large Scale Infrastructure for Social Data Science
Webinar - will be recorded
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Diana Greene Foster, University of California San Francisco
Consequences of Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion in the US and Nepal
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Fernando Riosmena, University of Colorado at Boulder
Climate migration across contexts, gender, and the life course: an examination in contemporary Mexico
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Adriana Lleras-Muney, UCLA
Intergenerational Correlations in Longevity
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Elizabeth Frankenberg, University of North Carolina
Long-term Dynamics of Health, Well-Being, and Population Change after a Disaster
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Francesco Billari, Bocconi University
Demography: Fast and Slow
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Katrina Walsemann, School of Public Policy
Race differences in school attendance across the Jim Crow South and its implications for Black-White disparities in cognitive impairment risk among older adults
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