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Tim Dyson, London School of Economics & Political Science

Global Warming and the Demographic Future
When Feb 22, 2021
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

The talk updates an assessment of future climate change undertaken c.20 years ago. Evasion and denial continue to affect the human response to global warming. Between 2000 and 2019 fossil fuel use rose by 45 per cent (partly due to population growth) and atmospheric CO2 rose from 370 to 411 ppm. Widely disregarded, the temperature increase appears to be accelerating. The talk explores the future through a demographic lens. It illustrates that seemingly distant dates are actually fairly close, and that during 2020-50 population growth will have a significant but diminishing influence on global CO2 emissions. However, a doubling of atmospheric CO2 seems likely before 2100. Relatedly, there is little chance of staying below 2oC. Partly for climate-related reasons, beyond 2050 world population growth may well be appreciably less than is projected.

About the Speaker

Tim Dyson

Tim Dyson is Emeritus Professor of Population Studies at LSE. Educated in England and Canada, he has held visiting positions at the ANU in Canberra, IIPS in Mumbai, and the American University of Beirut. In 1994-96 he was President of the British Society for Population Studies; in 1997 he addressed the Oxford Farming Conference; and in 2015 he gave the keynote address at the 48th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development in New York. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2001. His main research areas have included: the demographic transition, world food prospects, famine dynamics, HIV/AIDS, female autonomy, child mortality, urbanization, climate change, and the past, present, and future population of India. He has also researched the basis of democratization—e.g. see ‘On demographic and democratic transitions’, Population and Development Review 38(Supp.). His books include: Population and Food: Global Trends and Future Prospects, Routledge, 1996; Twenty-First Century India (with Robert Cassen and Leela Visaria),OUP, 2005; Population and Development—the Demographic Transition, Zed, 2010; and A Population History of India—From the First Modern People to the Present Day, OUP 2018.

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