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Elizabeth Frankenberg, University of North Carolina

Long-term Dynamics of Health, Well-Being, and Population Change after a Disaster
When Feb 08, 2021
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Online via Zoom
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Exposures to extreme events are increasingly common in many parts of the globe as a function of changes in weather patterns combined with rising sea levels. This presentation traces the implications of exposure to an extreme event for health, well-being, and population change over the long-term, drawing on data STAR, the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery. STAR has interviewed respondents from 10 months before the December 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami for 10 years, collecting data on mortality, morbidity, family formation and fertility, and migration. The data provide an unusual opportunity to examine resilience and the role of rebuilding assistance in the aftermath of a large-scale disaster.

About the Speaker

Elizabeth Frankenberg

Director, Carolina Population Center
Dr. Frankenberg's research focuses on individual and family response to change across the life course and the role of community, broadly construed, in individual behaviors and outcomes. In addition to these substantive interests, two cross-cutting themes are inherent in her research: health status as a critical dimension of well-being and the close integration of methods and data. She has invested heavily in developing and implementing innovative and ambitious designs for data collection to support her own research and that of the scientific and policy communities more broadly. These investments center on three projects: the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR), the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), and the Worker Iron Status Evaluation (WISE). The STAR project, which assesses the social, economic, demographic, and health impacts of the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, has been hailed as the strongest large-scale study ever done to measure population-level response to a disaster over a long period of time. 

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