Seminar: Andrew Foster - Brown University
Household Recombination, Retrospective Evaluation and Educational Mobility over 40 years
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Coming Up
Cabrera on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Playfulness
Playfulness is associated with children's emotion regulation and vocabulary skills
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Selected Research
Intentionally or Ambivalently Risking a Short Inter-pregnancy Interval: Reproductive Readiness Factors in Women’s Postpartum Non-Use of Contraception
Michael S. Rendall, Eowna Young Harrison, Mónica Caudillo, University of Maryland; 2018-003
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Journal Club Meeting with Monica Caudillo
How does the personal become political? Assessing the impact of mothers' employment on daughters' participation in political organizations
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Coming Up
Abraham and Kearney examine secular decline in US employment over the past two decades
Robots and offshoring seen as important factors in decline of employment rates
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Selected Research
Das Gupta contributes to Azerbaijan "National Action Plan" to ensure gender equality
Solving skewed sex ratio ameliorates social tensions, may bring economic benefits
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Might the gender revolution strengthen the family?
MPRC Special Symposium
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Seminar Series
Seminar documents and flyers
Dawn Marie Dow Releases "Mothering While Black"
Boundaries and burdens of middle-class black parenthood
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Methodological Issues in Maternal Mortality Research
NICHD R21 project seeks to clarify maternal mortality records
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Selected Research
Journal Club Meeting with Typhanye Dyer
Examining Psychosocial and Behavioral Correlates of STI and HIV Risk among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Men who have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW)
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Coming Up