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Caroline Hartnett, University of South Carolina

Exploring the Recent Decline in U.S. Fertility Rates
When Nov 12, 2018
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where 1101 Morrill Hall
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Presentation

Following a long period of relatively high and stable fertility rates in the United States, rates started falling with the Great Recession and have been declining steadily for nearly a decade. In this presentation, Dr. Hartnett will describe the context of the recent fertility decline and present preliminary research on contributing factors. These include: (a) how trends in fertility rates vary by age, race-ethnicity, and other characteristics; (b) geographic patterns, including the association between social indicators and fertility decline at the county level; and (c) changes in Americans' reports of the ideal number of children and their own "intended" number of children. Dr. Hartnett will also address social implications of fertility decline and expectations regarding future trends.

About the Speaker

Caroline Hartnett

Caroline Hartnett a Sociologist and Demographer at the University of South Carolina who studies families and childbearing in the U.S. Her research focuses on how social factors influence decision-making around childbearing, including attitudes towards children, parity desires, and unintended pregnancy. A second area of her research examines the exchange of resources within families and its implications for inequality, focusing on financial transfers to young adults and qualities of intergenerational relationships.

Dr. Hartnett received her Ph.D. in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan.

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