Sara Curran, University of Washington, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology
Estimating Short- and Long-Term Effects on Population Change Resulting From Hurricane Exposure in U.S. Counties, 1970-2017
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Colloquium - Rapid Population Growth - Stan Becker
The elephant in the room: Rapid population growth
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Caryn Bell, African American Studies
Structural Racism and Population Health
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Colloquium - Population and Environment, Robert Engelman - The Worldwatch Institute
Science, Population and the Environment: What Is, What Could Be
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MPRC Special Workshop
Field Experiments in Population and Development
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Developing population health scientists: Findings from an evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program
HIGHLIGHTS: RWJF Health & Society Scholars (HSS) program outcomes evaluated. HSS alumni have higher scholarly productivity and impact than control group. HSS alumni are more engaged in population health research than controls. HSS alumni and controls are similar on other outcome measures. Training programs can be evaluated with adequate attention to selection bias.
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MPRC People
Christine Bachrach, Ph.D.
Christine Bachrach Publications
Colloquium - Ground Water Depletion as Influenced by Population Growth, Leonard F. Konikow - USGS
Long-term, Global Ground Water Depletion
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