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Colloquium - Rapid Population Growth - Stan Becker

The elephant in the room: Rapid population growth
When Mar 08, 2018
from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Where Room 2400, The Atlantic Building
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Date/Time: 2018 MAR 08 at 15:30 (Refreshments at 15:00)
Location: The Atlantic Building (formerly Computer and Space Sciences), Room 2400
Speaker: Prof. Stan Becker
Speaker's Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Presentation Title: The elephant in the room: Rapid population growth

Host: Safa Moetesharrei, Applied Mathematics/Public Policy


This talk will cover human population growth over the centuries and into the future and the interaction of humans and the earth’s ecosystems. Topics covered will include world and regional population growth, a demographically divided world, population growth in the USA, age distributions, urbanization, determinants of population growth, population momentum, population growth and the earth’s ecosystems, ecological footprint, species loss, and neo-Malthusians vs cornucopians. Closing with reports on efforts to slow population growth, the need for a small family norm (one child), and a wager about the future of food prices between Prof. Becker (demographer) and Prof. Lam (economist).

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