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You are here: Home / MPRC People / Christine Bachrach, Ph.D. / Christine Bachrach Publications / Developing population health scientists: Findings from an evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program

Lindsey Realmuto, Sheaba Daniel, Foram Jasani, Linda Weiss, and Christine Bachrach (2019)

Developing population health scientists: Findings from an evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program

Population Health, 7:1-7.


RWJF Health & Society Scholars (HSS) program outcomes evaluated.

HSS alumni have higher scholarly productivity and impact than control group.

HSS alumni are more engaged in population health research than controls.

HSS alumni and controls are similar on other outcome measures.

Training programs can be evaluated with adequate attention to selection bias.

Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Population dynamics, Health, Bachrach, Health in Social Context

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