Dagher and Green: Substance abuse and depression in young adulthood may have long-term socioeconomic effects
Treatment for substance abuse and mental health problems should be integrated in order to achieve better outcomes
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Liana Sayer featured in PBS Newshour post
Report details how time use researchers manages her schedule
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Sarah Halpern-Meekin, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Monthly unconditional income supplements starting at birth: Experiences among mothers of young children with low incomes in the US
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Coming Up
Arianna Gard, UMD (Psychology)
Population Neuroscience: Generalizability and Representation in Human Neuroimaging Studies
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Jose Manuel Aburto, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Unequal trends in causes of death drive life-expectancy differences during COVID-19
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Pamela Herd, Georgetown University
Reducing Administrative Burdens in Social Safety Net Programs Reduces Mortality
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Leslie Root, University of Colorado - Boulder
The Life Course Fertility Effect of a Contraceptive Intervention: New Evidence from Colorado
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Inequities in childrens' exposure to neurotoxicants
Payne-Sturges' scoping review of the literature and recommendations to narrow health disparities
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Selected Research
Susan Parker, School of Public Policy
Are Enrollment Gains From Conditional Cash Transfers Sustained After Program Rollback? Evidence From Mexico
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Sarah K. Cowan, NYU
Estimating the Effect of a Universal Cash Transfer on Birth Outcomes
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