Tiger Mothers and Child Achievement: Do Activity Patterns explain the Achievement of Children of Immigrants?
Sandra Hofferth and U.J. Moon, University of Maryland; 2012-009
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Deciphering Trends in American Volunteering
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; David Horton Smith, Boston College; 2012-007
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Seminar Series: Health, Social and Psychological Problems of Women Employees in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Call Centers: A Study in India
Amrita Gupta, Research Scholar, International Institute for Population Sciences
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Coming Up
Growing Parental Economic Power in Parent-Adult Child Households : Coresidence and Financial Dependency in the US, 1960 and 2001
Joan Kahn and Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland; 2012-001
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Teens, Technology, and Dating Violence
Donna Howard and colleagues are studying the impact of electronic communication technologies on dating violence
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Selected Research
Seminar Series: How Does Mothers' Time with Children Matter?
Melissa A. Milkie, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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Coming Up
Seminar Series: Life Course Effects of Risk Factors at Women's Birth on Reproductive Outcomes as Adults
Amy O. Tsui, Director, The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute of Population & Reproductive Health, Professor, Population, Family & Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: Accounting for (Lack of) Involvement: Reasons for Fathers' Level of Involvement with Children in Parents' Magazine, 1926-2006
Kathleen Denny, Shanna Brewton-Tiayon, Lucia Lykke and Melissa Milkie, University of Maryland
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: For the Family: How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work
Sarah Damaske, Penn State
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: Janet Gornick
CUNY and Luxembourg Income Study, Title TBA.
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Coming Up