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Seminar Series: The Effect of Divorce on Time Allocation

Katie Genadek, Research Assistant, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
When Nov 02, 2011
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where 0124B Cole Student Activities Building
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Contact Phone 301-405-6403
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About the Talk

Previous research has analyzed the economic impacts of divorce using various methods and outcomes (see Ananat and Michaels 2008, Bedard and Deschenes 2003, Smock et al. 1999 ), and from this research it is clear that divorce has economic consequences, especially for women. One consequence of divorce that has not been explored is changes time allocation. Time allocation, specifically time spent in leisure, is directly related to the well being of individuals, and it is expected to change with divorce when time-use gains from joint household production are no longer realized. This paper analyzes the effect of divorce on time allocation using the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) Extraction Builder (Abraham, et al. 2010) and the Current Population Survey (CPS). The sample is restricted to ATUS respondents that are married, and respondents that have divorced since entering the CPS survey. A matching estimator is employed that matches married and divorced respondents using the CPS data on the married couples from about twenty months prior to the ATUS. This strategy generates an estimate of the effect of divorce on time spent on daily activities including leisure, work, home production and child care.

About the Speaker

Katie Genadek

Katie R. Genadek is an Applied Economics Ph.D. candidate focused on labor economics, economic demography, and health economics at the University of Minnesota. Katie’s dissertation research focuses on marital dissolution, public policies, and time allocation. Katie is currently a doctoral dissertation fellow and a research assistant at the Minnesota Population Center, where she works on outreach and user support for the IPUMS data projects.


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