Registration now open for free statistical training courses offered by MPRC
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Rendall comments on Baltimore population erosion
Current Census estimates place its population at a 100-year low
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Rendall comments on new marriage data
Trend shows marriage brings health benefits
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Rendall comments on the future of fertility trends in the United States
MPRC Director Michael Rendall featured on NBC News
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Rendall notes 'underestimation' in population growth
Baltimore Sun article reports Census numbers and their impact
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Report on Big Data in Survey Research
Frauke Kreuter and colleagues debate key methodological issues in Public Opinion Quarterly article
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Selected Research
Reproductive readiness predicts a woman’s non-use of contraception in the postpartum months in U.S.
Michael S. Rendall and Monica L. Caudillo examine reproductive readiness in U.S. Women’s Postpartum Non-Use of Contraception
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Selected Research
Richardson challenges traditional views on firearm violence
Beyond individual risk factors, broader systems shape firearm violence
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Richardson co-leads UMD initiative on gun violence
PROGRESS initiative joins UMD researchers with Maryland policy makers
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Richardson comments on gun violence docuseries
Documentary series aims to reach young men at risk for violence
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