Rendall comments on Baltimore population erosion
Current Census estimates place its population at a 100-year low
Located in
Cancelled: School of Public Policy - Forum with Michael Rendall
CISSM Global Forum - A Simulation Model of Partnership Formation and Fertility for Comparative International Research
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Coming Up
The Displaced New Orleans Residents Study
MPRC Director Michael Rendall is working with Faculty Associate Paul Torrens, Geography, to analyze social, economic, and health outcomes for New Orleanians
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Selected Research
Reproductive readiness predicts a woman’s non-use of contraception in the postpartum months in U.S.
Michael S. Rendall and Monica L. Caudillo examine reproductive readiness in U.S. Women’s Postpartum Non-Use of Contraception
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Selected Research
Women’s Sequencing of First Births Relative to First Substantial Employment Before and After the 1990’s Welfare Reforms
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland and Rachel Shattuck, U.S. Census Bureau; 2016-002
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Racial Disparities in Residential Mobility and Long-term Population Displacement from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Narayan Sastry, RAND Corp., and Lori Reeder, University of Maryland; 2017-001
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Retrospective Reporting of First Employment in the Life Courses of U.S. Women
Michael S. Rendall and Rachel Shattuck, University of Maryland; 2015-015
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Multiple imputation for demographic hazard models with left-censored predictor variables
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Angela Greulich, Université Paris 1; 2014-011
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Two Decades of Negative Educational Selectivity of Mexican Migrants to the United States
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland and Susan W. Parker, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico; 2013-008
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Epidemiological Paradox or Immigrant Vulnerability? Obesity Among Young Children of Immigrants
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Elizabeth Baker, University of Alabama; Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation; 2013-023
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Working Papers
WP Documents