Bhargava examines population impact on groundwater in India
Absence of healthcare and family planning services crucial
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Alok Bhargava featured in Financial Times on Climate Change
Climate change is not a simplistic comparison of apartheid but entails global cooperation to deal with it
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Seminar Series: Alok Bhargava, School of Public Policy
Diet Quality, Child Health and Food Policies in Developing Countries
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Coming Up
School of Public Policy- Center for Global Sustainability: Global Sustainability Forum
Climate change, rice production and ground water depletion in India
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Coming Up
School of Public Policy Research Seminar: Some Socioeconomic and Biomedical Aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Alok Bhargava (Professor, UMD SPP)and Jiehong Lou (PhD Candidate, UMD SPP) to present their papers
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Coming Up
Climate change is not a simplistic comparison of apartheid but entails global cooperation to deal with it
Alok Bhargava responds to Desmond Tutu's Comparison of Climate Change as Developed Countries' "Climate Apartheid" On the Poor
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Selected Research
Climate change, demographic pressures and global sustainability
This article emphasizes the need for broader approaches for formulating policies for mitigating the effects of climate change especially in the contexts of agricultural decisions, and population health and migration. Constraints imposed by rapid population growth in developing countries for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals are discussed and evidence is presented on “unwanted” fertility from India. Second, comparisons are made for India during 2002–2016 for average well depths in 495 districts and terrestrial water storage anomalies assessed via GRACE satellites for 274 1° × 1° grids using estimated parameters from dynamic random effects models. Lastly, migration patterns especially of the highly educated from 39 sending countries to OECD countries during 2000–2010 are analyzed using dynamic random effects models and total fertility rates were significantly associated with higher migration rates for the highly educated. Implications of the empirical evidence for enhancing global sustainability are discussed.
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MPRC People
Alok Bhargava, Ph.D.
Alok Bhargava Publications
Analyzing the effects of food supplementation and adherence support on food insecurity, time allocation, and quality of life indices of patients on antiretroviral treatment in the Free State Province, South Africa
Alok Bhargava investigates food insecurity, quality of life, and productivity among HIV patients receiving antiretroviral treatment in South Africa
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded