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Immigration Working Group

All interested Faculty Associates and graduate students welcome

This group, led by Karen Woodrow-Lafield and Andrés Villarreal, brings together researchers in interested in all aspects of migration and immigration in both the US and global contexts. An important focus is data collection and data sources on immigration and immigrants. Cultivating a cadre of on-campus researchers interested in this increasingly important topic will be a primary goal.

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About the Immigration Working Group

The MPRC-Immigration Working Group welcomes you as we seek to facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary immigration-related research through discussion, sharing resources, and encouraging involvement.

Background activities:  Immigration Research at Maryland Conference, December 2008; Member-led informal seminars and guest speakers in the MPRC Seminar Series 2009-2010; MPRC Immigration Seminar Speaker Series, 2010-2011, focused on data sources and methods; UMCP—the Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course Research Program, the Center for the History of the New America, many departmental events and seminars related to immigration

Summary of Data Sources:  Current Population Survey; American Community Survey; Survey of Income and Program Participation; Decennial Censuses before 2010; Panel Survey of Income Dynamics; Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics; Latino National Political Survey; Legalized Population Surveys I and II; Los Angeles New York City Immigrant Survey; Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey; National Latino and Asian American Survey;  American Time Use Survey; California Health Interview Survey; Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey; National Longitudinal Survey of Youth; National Agricultural Workers Survey; Immigrant Second Generation Study in New York City; Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles; Immigrant Identity Project; Mexican Migration Project; Latin American Migration Project; New Immigrants Survey; 2007 Boston Metropolitan Immigrant Health and Legal Status Survey; National Survey of College Graduates; Administrative records; Other community-based participatory surveys; and so many more.

Upcoming meetings and events co-sponsored by the Immigration Working Group are listed below.

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